Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Would you brush your teeth with laundry detergent?

I'm fairly sure you are screaming "not a chance" in your head....but the ugly truth is...YOU ALREADY ARE!

Yes it's true...unless you are aware and reading labels, you and your family are brushing your teeth with laundry detergent, shampoo, dish soap...take your pick.
If the words Sodium laureth sulfate, or sodium lauryl ether sulfate (SLES) SLES, SLS, ALS and sodium pareth sulfate are on the label, these are surfactants that are used in many cosmetic, personal and other cleaning products for their cleansing and emulsifying properties. By the way...these are the products that are generally thought to be the cause of mouth/canker sores. They behave similarly to soap, but can be used for anything from degreasing commercial garage floors to baby shampoo. Actually anything containing sodium laur-anything is best to avoid. They all like to claim they are safe, small amounts are allowable...but they base that on their one product. No one takes into consideration the amount being used is much higher due to a multiple daily combined adds up!

So again I ask...would you brush your teeth with laundry detergent (or shampoo)? How about Drano? (sodium hydroxide, lye) Yep, it's in many toothpastes as well. Why? You shout in revulsion! It's a cheap Ph balancer...sodium hydroxide--it's so strong, the amount you'd need to do the job wouldn't change the consistency of the toothpaste.

READ.the.LABELS ! It's the only thing you can do to protect yourself from excessive chemical exposure.

You might consider making your own natural toothpaste. It's easier than you think, and has the added benefit of control over ingredients.
Here is a simple basic recipe:

3 Tbsp coconut oil
3 Tbsp baking soda
20-25 drops peppermint essential oil (or experiment: use clove, cinnamon, orange, spearmint oils)
1 packet stevia (to taste)
2 tsp vegetable glycerin (optional)

Put the coconut oil and baking soda in a bowl and mash up with a fork until blended. Add peppermint oil (or other), stevia and optional vegetable glycerine (smoothness) and contine mashing until desired toothpaste consistencey.
You'll be surprised how clean, fresh and smooth your teeth feel. (no, there is no fluoride)<sigh> don't you get enough of that questionable substance in your drinking water? But that's a post for another day....EPA Scientists oppose water fluoridation
I put mine in one of these wonderful silicon "squeezy travel bottles. I use these for shampoo etc. as well. Makes you wonder "why" they make any other kind of travel bottle (hard plastic etc.) which wastes product because you can never get all of it out...

A Google search to buy online, or check the travel size product section of your local drugstore. I like the convenient 3 oz sizes (carry on approved)


Saturday, May 4, 2013

the Great Vaccine Controversy

First I should mention...I have a real phobia for needles and quite honestly searching for an image for the blog made me queasy. You'll note my image doesn't actually contain a needle. I wouldn't be able to get thru the writing with that staring me in the face!

I can still remember polio vaccinations (mine was on an actual sugar cube) The only vaccinations I've received in my entire life was cholera (for travel) a gammaglobulin (as defense against a possible exposure to hepatitis...which turned out not to be AND was THE MOST painful shot I've ever received...I limped for a week) and a flu shot once (yah I bought into the hype...that year I had the worst case of flu ever and their response was, the strain was different and not covered ooops!) So if you can't tell, I'm not a big fan of vaccines.

I can still remember the sinking pit in my stomach when one of my siblings came down with a cold, the flu, the measles etc. and knowing I was destined to be sick soon because my very harried mother of 3 young children put us all in the same room and often the same bed because as she put it "It was easier to take care of 3 children all sick at the same time" (7-10 days) than to take care of one child and then another and then another for a month long. makes sense...didn't make it any easier knowing you were going to be sick soon!
Point being....we all survived. We had the flu, we had measles and we had chicken pox. Let me let you in on a dirty little can get measles more than once! I know because I've had the German measles once but the "regular" measles twice , once as an adult. Horrible (probably because I'm never sick) but again...I survived. Apparently, the antibodies weaken over time and strains mutate. So guess what? You are just putting off something you can get repeatedly anyway for the chance to A) risk autism (yah controversy but go google thimerasol a preservative they only started using once they implemented "cost saving" by using multiple dose bottles where they wouldn't be using the entire bottle at once (such as during mass vaccination clinics) B) reactions or death- Anyone want to take a guess at those numbers? Influenza Hype vs. Evidence read the article, especially the numbers by years and ask yourself who is getting the money and are we benefiting?

I've had my own little run in with thimerasol (and not from a vaccine) so once I found out about vaccines containing it, I ran in the opposite direction. My issue was an allergic reaction from a contact lens solution. Both eyes covered (the light made them tear and burn even more) and tapped shut as liquid in the form of tears ran down my face for DAYS! I'll let you imagine how difficult life was having the ophthalmologist call a cab, getting into the cab blindly and navigating the world that way for several days. The vision impaired have all of my respect!

So yah, I'm not a big fan of vaccines...but then again I think we've created super-bugs because of our overuse of antibiotics (and not just for human use but over 85% of the antibiotics manufactured in the US are in our food supply; beef, pork, chicken etc.) So it really doesn't matter if you use them...if you aren't reading labels and buying "clean" food, you are getting them any way....but that's a rant post for another day.


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